After months of research, I've not only found semi-easy and convenient eco-friendly diapers, but they are super cute on top of it all!
Check them out...

Basically we will use cloth inserts when we are home and have extra spare time, while using the 100% biodegradable, flushable inserts when we are on the go. It sounds pretty easy to me.....While most moms think I'm nuts and aren't too confident this will last, Dave and I are going to give it our best shot. Especially after reading that...
Americans put 50 million diapers into landfills everyday....that's 20 billion diapers a year!
p.s. The diapers we choose are called gdiapers. Pass the link onto anyone you know who may be interested. Believe me, I've done my homework!
p.s.s Check back in about 5 months to see our progress.....