A couple weeks back, Dave and I decided to head to USA, BABY: San Diego's stroller store extravaganza! I'd literally spent hours researching different stroller, reading reviews, etc. etc. etc. While most people would think I'm nuts, I wanted a multi-function stroller so we didn't end up 3 or 4 strollers all serving a different purpose. Anywhooo......after test driving each of the strollers, I finally had my mind made up. I'd found the perfect stroller and Dave agreed it was a great pick!
Instead of asking the sales clerk to go to the back and bring us out our new, beautiful stroller, Dave picks up this gi-normous stuff tiger and heads to the cash register. I really, truly, seriously believed he was just pulling my leg. I thought for sure he would walk up to the cash register and start laughing and turn around just to make my blood boil. Oh no, he was serious. Yes, folks....we did not come home with a stroller in our back seat. Instead, a life size, plush tiger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don't believe me, take a look at the length of this creature:

While I was trying to keep a straight face and tell Dave he had lost is damn mind, I was laughing hysterically (note to Dave...not funny enough to get a 2nd creature)! The only thing occupying the stroller space at this time is this giant tiger, I'm happy to report I have picked my stroller and we will be going to purchase it in the next couple weeks. Not only is it ADORABLE, it is super functional for both everyday use as well as hiking and light jogging. I love it. Oh, and they are manufactured in San Diego....Doesn't get any better than that!
Note to Dave: Seriously!!!! No more!!!