For Dave's first Father's Day, I booked a surprise trip to this little town called Julian, California. It was going to be our "baby-moon" a.k.a. our last trip away (alone) for about the next 15 years when we won't have to find a babysitter. I found the perfect pet-friendly cabin located in the middle of the mountains with beautiful scenic views and lots of hiking trails. It sounded like the most perfect vacation. Dave and I were counting down the days.
Well, the day finally arrived. We packed up the car with lots of yummy food, hiking shoes, board games, DVD's, and of course Portland and Lucy. We arrived at the cabin and it was exactly what I had envisioned. Portland was out roaming on the acre of fenced in yard while Dave and I were checking out the weekend pad. Just before dust, we decided to start preparing dinner. While I'm cutting up loads of veggies for our stew, Dave was off trying to figure out the cabin's stereo system. Suddenly the entire cabin shook and we were left with no electricity in our unfamiliar and dark cabin. We were both certain that since we were out in the middle of no where in a cabin that seemed to be a 100 years old, turning on the stereo was just too much for the cabin too handle. We turned the breaker on and then off several times before calling the owners who did not answer. Dave decided to take a quick walk around the perimeter of the property before it got too dark (I don't know why I didn't think of that) only to find the main electrical pole conveniently located on the edge of the cabin's property had come crashing over into our yard. Not only was the pole lying across our yard, but electrical wires were sprawled across the very dry, brown grass. It was evident that we were S.O.L. and likely needed to call someone immediately and get the heck out of there. By this time, it was completely dark and were packing all of our unpacked belongings with flash lights. Earlier in the day we were lucky enough to make 1 successful trip into the town of Julian and were able to purchase 1 famous, carmel-apple pie. Our baby-moon accounted for 1 apple and 3 mosquito bites!

While we were both quite grumpy and had frowns on our face the entire drive home at 10pm, we managed to make the most of our weekend. We enjoyed a hike on a trail we'd never visited and a prime-rib / lobster tail dinner next to the ocean on Saturday.

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