Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Trip to Remember

Oliver and I set out on our adventure back to Illinois /Wisconsin last week to visit friends, family and celebrate the upcoming wedding of Kristin and Jeffrey! Oliver was a total joy on the trip....making the traveling part very easy on this mama and making new friends everywhere we went.

 Oliver got to spend the first couple of days with his Grandma & Grandpa Monroe, Aunt Abby...Oh, and the 4 lovely pooches: Buddy, Sadie, Thorp, and Penelope. From the look of all the pictures, he had an absolute blast.

He got to meet a live turtle for the first time.....

He laughed with Grandpa....Hey, do you see any resemblances here?

Love on the very lovable Mr. Thorp

Play constantly with Auntie Abby...Who, by the way is Oliver's new BFF!

And love on Grandpa some more....Hey, where are the pictures of Grandma?

I'm positive he had a wonderful time. I met him on Sunday morning for the 'exchange' and he questioned leaving the arms of Aunt Abby, if that tells you anything.

Next we ventured off to visit to Lolli and Pop in Wisconsin. Their is never a dull moment in this household for a little boy! First adventure = cooking class with Pop Mark:

He even had the pleasure of spending an entire afternoon with his Grandpa Bob and Grandma Dorrie would made the trip all the way from Winnipeg, Canada. Wow, talk about a lucky little boy! After going for a nice walk, and making a trip to A&W, all 3 sets of Grandparents set out for Oliver's first Lobster Boil!!!

The final few days Mr. O spent time with some Great-Grandparents, exploring the pool and playground. Oh, a few other firsts took place - The first golf-cart ride and the first gambling experience!

A summer trip to Wisconsin is officially being added to our list of family traditions!

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