Today marks the ends of my "official countdown." 10 whole weeks and 70 full days of marking X's and updating numbers......
It's pretty odd when you are walking down the street and someone asks you when you are due and your response is "today!" Okay little can come anytime now!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Quote of the Day
"The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it."
-Arnold H. Glasgow
-Arnold H. Glasgow
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nursery Tour
We've had the little man's "nursery" (a.k.a. one large corner of our room) ready for quite some time now. I am very, very happy with how wonderful it all looks. Now, all we need is our little love bundle to occupy this space.
Feeling so loved...
Like I said before, when it comes to babies, people are so kind and generous. The packages haven't stopped rolling in. Not only the kind gifts, but all the messages, calls and emails. I really feel so truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life. I can't wait to share this little bug with all of you!
Check out the beautiful gifts sent to me from an old group of teammates at Nielsen: adorable are these dino shoes? Thank you, Auntie Diana. With all the dino gear we have stored up, he is bound to be a RAWR supporter.
Check out the beautiful gifts sent to me from an old group of teammates at Nielsen: adorable are these dino shoes? Thank you, Auntie Diana. With all the dino gear we have stored up, he is bound to be a RAWR supporter.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Lindsey...otherwise known as...Suzy Homemaker
When my very sweet and generous neighbor gave me her rocking chair a few weeks back, I decided it needed some sprucing up. I have to brag a little bit because I think it looks FABULOUS! I repainted the chair white to match our furniture and made cool green cushion covers. Scroll down to see the original chair in my post titled, "When it comes to babies".......
looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself!
looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Holy Crap!
I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself....but holy crap, I am 3 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced! Meaning....this little baby boy and my body are doing their jobs and getting ready! I am still 13 days away from my new due date and I very well may not have this baby for 13 days or more..........but, I AM 3 CENTIMETERS DILATED!
We went for a doctors appointment yesterday where I thought for sure they were going to start checking my cervix. Much to my surprise the nurse told me they do not routinely do that anymore...I was instantly sad and she noticed. She asked if we would like to have one anyways and of course I said yes (I know that sounds strange). So, the doctors comes in and explains that first time mama's usually go over their due date and yada yada yada....He was setting me up so I wouldn't be disappointment when he said, nope, things are still normal down here. But that is not what he said at all. I think he was even a little surprised by the early progress!
So, with 1,001 thoughts in my head and 2,001 things I want to get done.....I'm trying to do like everyone tells me and rest and relax. Not really, I'm running around like a crazy person trying to get my hospital bags packed, the doggies overnight bag packed, the floors swept, etc. etc. We may be having a baby today or in 2 weeks.......Either way, our little person will be here SOON!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
The Birth Plan.
During the first few months after we found out were going to have a BABY (our very own little person!!!) the excitement feeling stuck around and never left but a new feeling snuck around the corner…the feeling of fear for the labor and delivery portion.
I spent the entire first half of pregnancy putting off those feelings and just kept thinking, “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” Well, 7 months rolled around and the reality of labor began settling in. It was never a question in my mind, I always just thought, Oh, I’ll get the epidural and never look back. I didn’t even give natural childbirth a second of consideration.
I’m not exactly sure what inclined me to start researching childbirth, the process, all the interventions that can take place, etc., but one morning I woke up determined to be become more educated.
It all started with my research on doulas. I’m not even sure if I knew what a doula was at that point, but I quickly came to the conclusion, I HAVE to have one of these doula things. I set out in my 32 weeks of pregnancy to find the right doula for Dave and I. I wanted to find someone that respected MY birth plan and wasn’t pushy about her own beliefs, ideas on childbirth, etc. And, to my surprise, I found exactly that. Dave and I hired a doula in our 33rd week of pregnancy and from the start she brought reassurance and confidence that we were going to have a magical birth.
After meeting Sarah (our doula), I delved into research trying to create my own birth plan. I needed to consider things like, do we want our baby continuously monitored throughout my labor and delivery, do we want the ability to try as many positions for comfort, do we want IV lines hooked up throughout my entire delivery, and the dooming question of all, do I want drugs readily available?
There was a lot to think about, but before I made my decisions, I thought it best to understand what they all meant. I’m not going to lie, I’ve probably gone a bit overboard with all research, ordering books, etc. But in the end, I have made some very important, educated decisions that I feel confident in.
It became quickly apparent to me that I hadn’t even given myself a shot; a chance at delivering this baby au’ natural. I wasn’t even allowing my body or my mind a fair shot. Hence, my new goal for the delivery of our son.
I started to read journal entries, books, and blogs all about woman who have experienced a natural birth. No longer was it about the agonizing and scary process, but it was about a beautiful and empowering event. It was these stories that gave me the confidence to even think for a nano second, “hey, maybe I can give this a shot.”
Any method with which a woman chooses to deliver takes courage, focus, and is a huge physical experience. I don’t want to feel pain anymore than the next girl, but as I began to fully understand how my body would deliver a baby and the history of maternity care in our country, I developed my own set of ideas and beliefs in the process.
Even with all of the preparations I am doing, there is a possibility that we will still require medical intervention. I’m not against getting an epidural if I have done everything within my power to go natural but am not physically able to do it. In the end, the single most important thing is the safe and healthy delivery of our son. I will take whatever outcome with a happy heart because I know I have done everything possible to set myself up for success - if it doesn’t go as planned - so be it. I’ll have no regrets.
But I am setting out to rock this birth. In fact, I’m going to kick ass. I’m actually excited for it now instead of fearful and scared. And, while I do still have some fear and anxiety, I feel more educated and confident than I did only a month ago. When the day comes, I’ll be ready!
PS: I know some of you think I’ve completely lost it, but wait to tell me that until after our son is born ; - ) Please!
I spent the entire first half of pregnancy putting off those feelings and just kept thinking, “I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.” Well, 7 months rolled around and the reality of labor began settling in. It was never a question in my mind, I always just thought, Oh, I’ll get the epidural and never look back. I didn’t even give natural childbirth a second of consideration.
I’m not exactly sure what inclined me to start researching childbirth, the process, all the interventions that can take place, etc., but one morning I woke up determined to be become more educated.
It all started with my research on doulas. I’m not even sure if I knew what a doula was at that point, but I quickly came to the conclusion, I HAVE to have one of these doula things. I set out in my 32 weeks of pregnancy to find the right doula for Dave and I. I wanted to find someone that respected MY birth plan and wasn’t pushy about her own beliefs, ideas on childbirth, etc. And, to my surprise, I found exactly that. Dave and I hired a doula in our 33rd week of pregnancy and from the start she brought reassurance and confidence that we were going to have a magical birth.
After meeting Sarah (our doula), I delved into research trying to create my own birth plan. I needed to consider things like, do we want our baby continuously monitored throughout my labor and delivery, do we want the ability to try as many positions for comfort, do we want IV lines hooked up throughout my entire delivery, and the dooming question of all, do I want drugs readily available?
There was a lot to think about, but before I made my decisions, I thought it best to understand what they all meant. I’m not going to lie, I’ve probably gone a bit overboard with all research, ordering books, etc. But in the end, I have made some very important, educated decisions that I feel confident in.
It became quickly apparent to me that I hadn’t even given myself a shot; a chance at delivering this baby au’ natural. I wasn’t even allowing my body or my mind a fair shot. Hence, my new goal for the delivery of our son.
I started to read journal entries, books, and blogs all about woman who have experienced a natural birth. No longer was it about the agonizing and scary process, but it was about a beautiful and empowering event. It was these stories that gave me the confidence to even think for a nano second, “hey, maybe I can give this a shot.”
Any method with which a woman chooses to deliver takes courage, focus, and is a huge physical experience. I don’t want to feel pain anymore than the next girl, but as I began to fully understand how my body would deliver a baby and the history of maternity care in our country, I developed my own set of ideas and beliefs in the process.
Even with all of the preparations I am doing, there is a possibility that we will still require medical intervention. I’m not against getting an epidural if I have done everything within my power to go natural but am not physically able to do it. In the end, the single most important thing is the safe and healthy delivery of our son. I will take whatever outcome with a happy heart because I know I have done everything possible to set myself up for success - if it doesn’t go as planned - so be it. I’ll have no regrets.
But I am setting out to rock this birth. In fact, I’m going to kick ass. I’m actually excited for it now instead of fearful and scared. And, while I do still have some fear and anxiety, I feel more educated and confident than I did only a month ago. When the day comes, I’ll be ready!
PS: I know some of you think I’ve completely lost it, but wait to tell me that until after our son is born ; - ) Please!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
10 things I am looking forward to...
I have had the most amazing pregnancy anyone could ask for. Really, I have not had not a single complaint and have truly enjoyed the past 37 weeks. However.....these last couple of days I have started to feel a bit uncomfortable. This has jogged my memory of all the things I really am looking forward to.. (some of these have to wait until post breast feeding days, but I know they will exist somewhere in the future)...
1. Sleeping on my tummy
1. Sleeping on my tummy
2. Eating cold cut turkey sandwiches
3. High heels
4. Over indulging on red vino
5. Sushi
6. Shaving my legs comfortably
7. Mojitos
8. Running
9. 2 cups of coffee in a single morning
10. Jeans without an elastic waistline
Monday, August 9, 2010
Papa Bear
Last Friday felt quite a bit like Christmas at the Monroe/Hosfield household! I am lucky enough to have a man in my life that does really special things for me and for the little one. He is the best, ever!
For the babe.....a specially designed piggy back and reggae CD for our rosta child:

And for mom....the cutest little clutch purse / diaper bag by Petunia Pickle Bottom for times when I don't want to lug a big diaper bag.

And last by certainly not least....this beautiful necklace that holds the birth stone for our little man. We'll Dave assumes this will be the birth stone. If not, the jeweler said he can bring it back for the correct stone! I get to wear this very special gift around my neck everyday to remind myself of how lucky I am!!!!

I heart Dave.....
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The Pee-Pee Teepee
Likely a waste of my hard earned $10, but I had to buy these hilarious pee-pee teepee's; for the sprinkling wee-wee! You always see little boys in the movies peeing on their mommsies and what a clever name! I told you I'm a sucker....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
When it comes to babies...
When it comes to babies, people are so kind and generous. All in the matter of a week, I've had two wonderful surprises from people I really don't even know. The first came last week while on a walk with Portland. A neighbor woman whom I've only met once or twice flagged me down because she had a bag of clothes, shoes and a book that she had been collecting and wanted to pass along from her little boys.

Then, two days later, another neighbor whom I hardly know flagged me down to ask if I had bought a rocking chair yet.....Ironically, we hadn't! She asked if I would like the rocking chair that she has saved from her two children.

I'm going to work on painting this chair over the weekend to match our furniture. Then, I will post pictures of a nursery tour!
It just amazes me how kind and considerate people are who barely know us....let alone all the amazing things people have done for us that do know us! It's unbelievable and I feel OH SO VERY BLESSED! We (all 3 of us) are pretty dang fortunate to have so many wonderful people around us. I can't wait to share the little dude with all of you!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mental Preparation
In the last few weeks, I've been trying to find quiet moments where I can concentrate on the big task that lies ahead (the labor part of all of this)! I've started to go for long walks along the beach on Saturday and Sunday morning when there aren't many people out. In doing so, I've found the focal point in which I will use (or attempt to use) to get through some of the contractions.
Here is my new happy place (Portland's new love nest too).

No longer must I say...
I am due on August 31st, because now all I simply need to say is I'm due on the 31st (of this month!!!!!!!!!) Wow, it's gone by so quickly. 29 days to go!
Here is a baby bump photo opp from 35 weeks:
And for anyone interested in seeing what's going on behind the scenes:

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