Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Holy Crap!

I'm not going to get too far ahead of myself....but holy crap, I am 3 centimeters dilated and 75% effaced! Meaning....this little baby boy and my body are doing their jobs and getting ready! I am still 13 days away from my new due date and I very well may not have this baby for 13 days or more..........but, I AM 3 CENTIMETERS DILATED! 

We went for a doctors appointment yesterday where I thought for sure they were going to start checking my cervix. Much to my surprise the nurse told me they do not routinely do that anymore...I was instantly sad and she noticed. She asked if we would like to have one anyways and of course I said yes (I know that sounds strange). So, the doctors comes in and explains that first time mama's usually go over their due date and yada yada yada....He was setting me up so I wouldn't be disappointment when he said, nope, things are still normal down here. But that is not what he said at all. I think he was even a little surprised by the early progress!

So, with 1,001 thoughts in my head and 2,001 things I want to get done.....I'm trying to do like everyone tells me and rest and relax. Not really, I'm running around like a crazy person trying to get my hospital bags packed, the doggies overnight bag packed, the floors swept, etc. etc. We may be having a baby today or in 2 weeks.......Either way, our little person will be here SOON! 

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