When it comes to babies, people are so kind and generous. All in the matter of a week, I've had two wonderful surprises from people I really don't even know. The first came last week while on a walk with Portland. A neighbor woman whom I've only met once or twice flagged me down because she had a bag of clothes, shoes and a book that she had been collecting and wanted to pass along from her little boys.

Then, two days later, another neighbor whom I hardly know flagged me down to ask if I had bought a rocking chair yet.....Ironically, we hadn't! She asked if I would like the rocking chair that she has saved from her two children.

I'm going to work on painting this chair over the weekend to match our furniture. Then, I will post pictures of a nursery tour!
It just amazes me how kind and considerate people are who barely know us....let alone all the amazing things people have done for us that do know us! It's unbelievable and I feel OH SO VERY BLESSED! We (all 3 of us) are pretty dang fortunate to have so many wonderful people around us. I can't wait to share the little dude with all of you!
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